Friday 8 August 2008

Fuel System


You've heard this a thousand times, and it's as true today as the first time you heard it. Regular engine maintenance is the most effective way to get optimum performance. Go to your owner's manual and follow the suggested maintenance schedule for your type of driving. Don't skimp, if you're on the border line follow the severe schedule. Over the course of a year the severe schedule makes about $30 difference in your maintenance costs. Be frugal and get the best price for you maintenance, but don't be cheap and skip the maintenance. In the long run maintenance saves you hundreds of dollars in repair and fuel costs.

Dirty engines waste fuel, run poorly, and cause hundreds of dollars in avoidable repair costs. Deposit build-ups in the fuel and air intake systems can cause multiple performance problems. Your mechanic may spend a great deal of time (and money) tracking down the source of the problem, if he can find a source for the problem at all. If your mechanic is extremely good he'll determine deposits in the fuel and air intake system are the cause. If he can't find the trouble, and he's extremely honest, he will tell you he just can't find the source of the trouble. But chances are he'll still expect you to pay for a portion of his diagnostic time. If your mechanic isn't extremly good and honest, you may wind up paying for repairs you don't need that don't fix the problem.

To get the best fuel mileage from your vehicle follow these tested tips.

1. Buy good gasoline. It's true all base petroleum is the same, however the additives make the difference. Better additives allow the fuel to burn more completely and give you better gas mileage. In the case of gasoline you do get what you pay for.

2. Underinflated tires increase friction, which requires more power output to reach and maintain your chosen driving speed. More friction equals more gas burned. Tire inflation should be checked, at a minimum, every 3,000 miles. Ideally, tire inflation should be checked monthly, and every time the outside temperature drops more than ten degrees.

3. Clean fuel delivery and air intake systems use less fuel. Deposits in the fuel and air intake system "fool" the engine management computer. The deposits can cause the computer to see a lean running condition, which causes the computer to push more fuel to the engine. This rich running condition uses more fuel and can cause more expensive internal engine failures if left unattended.

4. Perform recommended maintenance. Poorly maintained engines use more fuel than well maintained engines.

5. When driving, use slower smoother take-offs and longer more gradual stops. Jackrabbit starts use more fuel and are harder on your vehicle, not to mention you and your passengers.


You may think cleaning the fuel delivery system is an expensive time consuming task. You might envision a trained technician with high-tech equipment spending hours working on your vehicle. And you probably imagine your checking account being hit hard to pay for this service. Fortunately cleaning the fuel system is easy, inexpensive and you can do it while you drive to work each morning! In our professional service shop we add a can of BG44K to our customer's gas tank once a year. BG44K removes deposits in the fuel delivery system and allows your engine to perform at it's peak. From the fuel tank to the fuel injectors, BG44K cleans the system of the deposits that cause poor fuel mileage, hard starting, rough idle, engine stumble, and engine knock.

If you're vehicle is less than 3 yrs old and has less than 30,000 miles you can start adding BG44K once a year to eliminate harmful deposits and improve your engine performance, fuel mileage and engine longevity. If your vehicle is more than 3 yrs old and has more than 30,000 miles you should add a can of BG44K at your next two (2) fill-ups. The first can will soften the deposits, the second can will clean them away.

BG44K FUEL SYSTEM DEPOSIT REMOVER The Head Honcho - Find a distridutor near you. Offers the Best Professional Grade Products Available to The Consumer Today.

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